In today’s world, all organizations have placed great importance on employee happiness, as employees are the heart of driving organization and creating true sustainability. For most employees, up to 70-80% of their lives are spent working within an organization. Therefore, if employees are unhappy, it directly impacts their performance and the organization’s ability to achieve its goals.
At MFEC, we value diversity, whether in the thoughts, skills, or experiences of each employee. We believe these differences are the driving force behind sustainable organizational growth. We promote equality and fairness in every process, from recruitment to the end of employment. Our procedures are aligned with company policies, and we are committed to ensuring fairness and equity in compensation. Our compensation system is in line with international standards and reflects work outcomes, as measured through clear, fair, and transparent performance evaluations.
To ensure employees feel secure and motivated to drive the organization towards its goals, MFEC prioritizes offering benefits that are relevant to current needs and suitable for all employee levels. We also emphasize safety and health by creating manuals to help employees understand safety regulations and comply effectively. Additionally, we have established a Welfare Committee to facilitate negotiations, gather employee feedback, and allocate comprehensive benefits that serve employees’ well-being.
Numerous health and well-being initiatives have been launched within the organization, including workshops focused on relaxation, such as plant pot painting and knitting. There are also programs that promote physical health, such as exercise activities, office syndrome training, and relaxation massages provided by visually impaired individuals. These initiatives not only help employees alleviate work-related stress but also create opportunities for visually impaired individuals to earn income through their skills.
“Employee happiness is the key to driving sustainability” is the philosophy that MFEC has always upheld. We believe that a business can only grow sustainably when its employees are happy. Employee satisfaction in the workplace is reflected in their performance, which in turn drives the business toward sustainable growth. When employees lack happiness and motivation, it directly affects work efficiency and becomes an obstacle to business progress. Therefore, MFEC is committed to fostering happiness for its employees through fair policies, a safe working environment, and encouraging participation in organizational processes, ensuring that each employee feels like part of the MFEC family and is motivated to contribute to the organization’s success and long-term sustainability.