Key Performance

Environmental Management

The company is committed to mitigating negative impacts while seeking opportunities to expand investments in environmentally friendly businesses throughout its value chain operations. 

Therefore, we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) 6, 12, 13 by promoting the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies, organizing activities to promote environmental responsibility, as well as supporting relevant operational guidelines. This is done by developing environmental policies that emphasize efficient energy usage and maximize benefits, along with managing risks and opportunities from climate change. This helps our customers and business partners operate their businesses continuously and sustainably. 

Environment Policy 


Management Framework  

– Demonstrate commitment by the organization’s executives to collaboratively take responsibility for managing climate change throughout the supply chain and environmental management.

– Assess risks, opportunities, and impacts of climate change.

– Set environmental sustainability goals and policies.

– Implement actions to reduce impacts and adapt to climate change throughout the business value chain.

– Monitor progress against targets, analyze approaches for performance improvement.

– Communicate strategies and progress to stakeholders and build collaboration with external stakeholders. 

Electricity Usage  

Electricity usage is not only a significant cost for driving business operations and industrial processes, but also has a substantial impact on the environment and society. It is also one of the key factors contributing to climate change and rapid environmental degradation. To address this challenge, the company has established a plan to reduce electricity consumption as follows:  

Analyze and Assess Electricity Usage: 
To enable the organization to identify areas with opportunities for improvement and electricity reduction.  
Set Electricity Reduction Targets:   
For goal-oriented operations.  
Create an Energy-Saving Supportive Environment:   
To promote efficient energy usage and automated energy control.  
Build Awareness and Training:   
To increase understanding of technologies and best practices for energy usage.  
Continuously Measure and Evaluate:   
To refine and adjust the electricity reduction plan as appropriate.  

Water Management  

Although the company’s business nature does not require water usage for operations, water is still consumed for employees’ daily consumption. The company is aware of the global water scarcity issue and aims to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, the company has set a water conservation plan as follows:  

Analyze and assess water usage within the organization: 
To identify areas with opportunities for improvement and water conservation. 
Set water conservation targets:  
For goal-oriented implementation. 
Create an environment that supports water conservation:  
For effective water usage control. 
Raise awareness and provide training:  
To increase understanding and promote water conservation practices. 
Continuously measure and evaluate:  
To improve and adjust the water conservation plan as appropriate. 

Waste Management

MFEC emphasizes the recovery of resources through stringent waste management within the organization by following the 5R principles:

Reduce -> Minimizing unnecessary consumption and use of resources.
Reuse -> Maximizing the value of resources by reusing items and equipment.
Recycle -> Returning used resources to use through recycling processes.
Repair -> Fixing items to extend their usability rather than discarding them immediately.
Reject -> Refusing or avoiding products that harm resources and cause environmental pollution.

Additionally, MFEC carefully considers the potential utility of each type of waste and strictly adheres to relevant laws and regulations.

Climate change risks, as well as risks from natural disasters, can affect the company’s business operations and may cause disruptions throughout the value chain. They can also affect the valuation of assets, business value, and employee safety. Therefore, the company places great importance on climate change management and recognizes the significance of climate-related risks and opportunities. It regularly assesses the impacts on its business and performance. 

The goal of mitigating climate change risk is to reduce the impact of human activities that contribute to climate change. We aim to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and maintain global temperatures at a sustainable level. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting industrial responsibility for emission reductions by utilizing efficient risk mitigation technologies, and fostering education and understanding about the importance of mitigating climate change risks. 

Climate Governance 

MFEC acknowledges the risks posed by climate change and its impact on business operations. Senior executives have a crucial role in overseeing climate-related risk and opportunity management as follows:

1) Define roles and assign responsibilities for managing climate change.
2) Monitor risk indicators and integrate climate-related risks and opportunities.
3) Review and enhance processes related to climate change management.
4) Support the development of knowledge and skills among personnel for managing climate change.

The company has established a governance structure for climate change management, spanning from the Board of Directors level down to operational levels. This ensures operational management aligns with the company’s vision and mission. The committee responsible for overseeing climate change management is the Risk Management, Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee. This committee sets sustainability management goals, oversees risk management operations covering climate change risks, and governs sustainability management which includes climate change management. Meetings are held quarterly to monitor risks and determine relevant control measures. Additionally, there is a Sustainability Working Team that reviews sustainable development operations, drives implementation, and fosters participation in projects under the sustainable development framework with relevant internal and external parties. Climate change risk factors are analyzed and presented to the Risk Management, Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee to integrate climate change risks into the organization’s overall risk management for continued oversight. 

Assessment of Climate Change Risks That May Impact Business Operations 

A risk analysis is conducted to report to the Board of Directors, identifying and assessing climate change risks that may impact the company’s operations, finances, and reputation. This covers cases of climate volatility, greenhouse gas management, regulatory changes, as well as shifts in customer consumption behavior.  

GHG Emissions Management 

Greenhouse gas emissions are a major factor impacting the environment and climate change. The international community has set a common goal of keeping the global average temperature increase well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The company is therefore seriously committed to being part of greenhouse gas emissions management. We have established the organization’s carbon footprint and aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from various activities, especially reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, in order to mitigate the direct environmental and societal impacts of our business operations.  

Greenhouse gas management is not just a business process, but also an environmental and social responsibility where MFEC intends to create positive value and change through continuous committed action.  

The company is committed to maintaining environmental balance while enabling growth through product development that meets consumer needs. Therefore, criteria have been established for the product development process, not only focusing on high quality but also considering environmental impacts at every stage of the product life cycle, from resource selection to end-of-life management. The criteria are as follows:  

Resource Selection  

Carefully evaluate and select raw materials or resources used in production, with the main goal of reducing the use of non-renewable resources and increasing the use of recyclable materials. Additionally, the selected raw materials must not damage local ecosystems or communities and must not involve conflict minerals, which could lead to human rights violations or environmental destruction.   

Usage Procedures  

In product design, the company focuses on creating innovations that help reduce energy and resource consumption through the use of efficient and energy-saving technologies. The design must take into account the ability to repair, upgrade, and extend the product’s lifespan in order to reduce the need for frequent product replacements, which will help reduce the environmental impact from electronic waste and the use of new resources.   

End-of-Life Product Management  

The company has established a product return program from customers, in order to feed them back into the new production process or to recycle them. It also provides advice and information to customers on how to properly manage end-of-life products. To demonstrate transparent management of the company’s assets and equipment that have reached the end of their lifespan, the company has prepared annual asset disposal and donation ledgers to track the continuous management of these assets.  

Audit and Improvement   

The product responsibility criteria are regularly audited and improved to align with changing environmental standards and maintain leadership in developing sustainable products with minimal environmental impact. The company collaborates with material suppliers, manufacturers, and environmental experts to continuously review and improve technologies and production processes. It also raises awareness and provides training to employees on environmental standards and sustainable practices. 

Our Project


This project aims to drive an environmentally friendly organization by creating sustainable value from the internal to the external community. This begins with raising employee awareness and enabling employees to participate in creating value through adjusting their behaviors within the organization

Project: Used Computer for New Generation

The company participates in advancing the project “Used Computer for New Generation” to distribute access to technology for students in Bangkok. This is achieved by delivering 15 notebooks to Bang Pakok Temple School at Rat Burana District Office, to promote Active Learning for more effective studies.

Project: Destroy electronic waste according to standards

We deliver electronic waste including Computers, IT Equipment, and Accessories to Asia Green Rescrap Co., which disposes of the waste in accordance with the standards set by the Department of Industrial Works. In total, there are 9,462 kilograms of electronic waste that goes into the destruction process.