Key Performance

Management Approach

The company intends to uphold and support adherence to human rights principles and values human dignity equally, which is the foundation of doing business. It is committed to emphasizing respect for human rights and instilling awareness and compliance with relevant laws, rules, regulations, and good corporate governance practices throughout its value chain. This ensures the company operates responsibly, without human rights violations, and treats personnel and stakeholders equitably regarding human rights issues, covering protection, respect, and appropriate remediation of potential impacts. 

The companys human rights policy is established based on international human rights practices frameworks such as the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.    

Human Rights Due Diligence Process  

The company has established a comprehensive human rights due diligence process by conducting a Human Rights Impact Assessment to identify risks and impacts arising from the company’s business operations and related stakeholders throughout the value chain. Mechanisms are in place to prevent, mitigate impacts, and provide remediation in cases of human rights violations. Additionally, the company strives to build appropriate and sufficient human rights awareness among its stakeholders throughout its business operations.   

Human rights policy


Labor Practice  

The company recognizes and sees the benefits of harnessing the diverse thoughts, skills, and experiences of each individual as an important driving force for sustainable organizational growth. It therefore promotes equal and fair employment without discrimination, from the employee recruitment and selection process to the end of employment with the company. Appropriate procedures are in place in line with the anti-corruption policy and the principles in the Code of Conduct, as follows:   

– Job postings will not contain any language that discriminates against any job applicants.  

– Recruitment and selection of personnel will not discriminate based on age, gender, race, nationality, disability, religion, or language used, considering only the qualifications required for the position being applied for.  

– Wages, benefits, and employment conditions offered to applicants will be equal per the position’s standards.  

– Job application documents will be kept confidential, not disclosed to irrelevant parties, with designated controllers and custodians of the data for use, and data keeping will comply with relevant laws.  

– Psychological testing and pre-employment medical examinations must be relevant to the job.  

– Risk assessments of applicants will be conducted per the anti-corruption policy.   

To foster a working atmosphere where differences can coexist without discrimination, harassment, or any form of violation, and where there is mutual respect, the company has clearly established policies regarding discrimination and harassment.   

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Practices  

– The victim informs the perpetrator to immediately stop such actions in the incident that occurred.  

– If the perpetrator ignores and continues the actions, the victim should report to their direct supervisor, the supervisor’s superior, or the human resources executive as appropriate.  

– The human resources director or equivalent or related units shall inquire about information from the victim, the accused, and witnesses (if any) within 7 days of receiving the report.  

– The human resources director or equivalent or related units shall establish a fact-finding working team per the company’s appointment order for the fact-finding team.  

– The fact-finding team shall investigate the facts and consider disciplinary action against the perpetrator or report the facts by communicating the summary for the company’s personnel to acknowledge.  

– If the offense is a criminal case that must proceed according to the law, the legal department must be involved in the investigation process.  

– Victims who report incidents of harassment or violation will receive appropriate protection, kept confidential to avoid negative impacts from such reporting.  

Ensuring occupational health, safety, and a good working environment for employees is important to the company. Continuous prevention efforts are supported through establishing an Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Manual. This serves as a guideline for employees to gain proper knowledge and understanding of safety rules and regulations, as well as reducing potential loss of life and property from work. Every employee must fully cooperate in preventing workplace accidents, as workplace safety is not solely the responsibility of management, but a shared responsibility of all employees to practice together.   

Workforce Health and Safety at Work Policy

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Human resource development is a key factor driving organizational success. The company therefore encourages employees to continually learn and develop new skills, enabling knowledge sharing and circulation within the organization. It is committed to enhancing employee potential through sharing knowledge and skills necessary for work, emphasizing technology, business skills development aligned with organizational goals, as well as other important knowledge in employees fields or professions. This is done through the SkillShift Academy, a space for unleashing potential, allowing employees to create growth opportunities alongside the organization.

Approach to Analyzing Training Needs for Employee Potential Development  

To ensure employee learning aligns with the organization’s direction and readiness to handle changes of all forms, the company has established the L&D STRATEGIES process for all employees to receive development tailored to set goals: 

– Embrace ​the NewTechnologies/Business – Learn promptly to lead technology. 

– Drive ​MFECCulture/DNA – Foster skills and perspectives aligned with MFEC Core Values. 

– Enhance KeyFunctionalsRole – Support key organizational roles. 

– ElevateOrganizationalLeadership – Develop team collaboration with leadership potential. 

The company provides opportunities for employees to participate in the company’s development and channels for sharing opinions and suggestions through the Employee Engagement Survey. This measures employees’ engagement with the organization across various dimensions and assesses internal communication effectiveness to align with organizational goals and culture. The level of employee engagement reflects motivation and positive work attitudes. The survey results help the organization retain valuable employees and create a working environment where employees feel a sense of ownership and motivation to perform at their full potential while driving the organization’s success.  

To ensure fair and non-discriminatory employee performance evaluations, the company implemented a project to revise the evaluation format. This aligns team and individual performance management in the same direction, supporting a Network Organization Structure. Communication between supervisors and teams creates a new working atmosphere and culture. Quantitative and qualitative performance can be measured under the “Mpulse” performance evaluation system, with indicators in two areas: 

Performance Evaluation using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)  

KPIs measure work performance against agreed targets or standards. The performance of employees at all levels aligns with organizational directions and goals, contributing to overall corporate success. In addition to corporate-level KPIs, the company sets department-level KPIs and individual KPIs, allowing each department to set targets and define individual employee KPIs accordingly. 

Behavior Evaluation (Key Behavior) using Core Values 

The company’s core values reflect employee behaviors that align with the organizational culture in terms of dedication and engagement at all levels. 

The weightings of these two performance evaluation components differ based on the employee’s job level. Supervisors can use the Mpulse system to appropriately manage employee capability development and compensation. The company provides performance grading, score ranking, and guidelines for employee rewards consistent with the evaluation results. 

The company emphasizes sustainable business growth along with providing equal and fair security to society, communities, and all stakeholder groups, driven by the intention to improve everyone’s quality of life through digital technology. 

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s 2020 digital skills report, only 54.9% of the Thai workforce possesses digital skills knowledge, with a key weakness being unpreparedness to adapt to future technological worlds. This prompted the company to seriously prioritize providing digital technology knowledge access to society. The approaches to increase societal access to information technology and enhance technological capabilities are as follows:  

– Organize technology training and education programs for interested general groups or those seeking digital knowledge access, while raising awareness and promoting understanding of technology’s importance. 

– Encourage online creativity and learning by creating spaces to share technological knowledge on social media platforms, allowing everyone the opportunity to gain experience and develop technological skills. 

– Collaborate with universities to support projects focusing on promoting information technology access and technological skills development for students who will become part of the future workforce, reducing unemployment rates among new graduates. 

The company strictly adheres to ethical marketing and advertising principles, emphasizing accurate, straightforward, and non-distorted marketing and advertising information. This ensures customers receive complete and sufficient information for making informed decisions about using services. The company is confident that all marketing and advertising operations take full responsibility toward society and the environment. 

Responsible Marketing and Advertising Practices 

– Accuracy and Honesty: Emphasize truthful and non-distorted communication and advertising without selectively promoting products or services. 

– Fairness and Equality: Adhere to principles respecting human rights and equality, avoiding advertisements that violate or create societal inequality. 

– Creativity and Value: Create valuable and inspirational advertisements for customers and communities, not just focusing on sales but building understanding and positive sentiment. 

– Respect for Human Rights: Disagree with advertisements that violate human rights or personal privacy. 

– Infringement Prevention: Comply with relevant laws and regulations to prevent copyright or patent infringement in business advertising. 

– Social and Environmental Responsibility: Focus on creating advertisements with positive social and environmental impacts by reducing toxins and environmental issues in production and advertising processes. 

– Information Disclosure: Clearly communicate useful information to enable customers to make informed decisions. 

– Neutrality and Fairness: Avoid provocative or conflicting advertisements using language or visuals. 

– Systemization and Order: Implement strict processes and controls in creating and operating advertisements to prevent errors and risks. 

– Transparency and Clarity: Create clear and transparent advertisements for full audience understanding and access to useful information. 

Our Project

Get to know Low-Code Project

The program aims to encourage learners to use Low-Code technology with the ServiceNow tool to quickly create user-friendly turnkey platforms. Learners do not need to have a background in IT to work in the field. A team of experts from MFEC and partners jointly imparted knowledge and conducted workshops

Digital Sustainability Trainee Program 2023  

The program aims to promote knowledge and skills for those interested in digital technology and sustainable business development planning careers, while promoting career opportunities by producing personnel in the Digital Sustainability Specialist position.

Venture Case Lab 2023 

This was created to open a space for those interested in getting to know the Innovation Team of MFEC in-depth and provide an important opportunity to enter the Corporate Startup career path for the public. The activity was a Business Case Workshop divided into Business Development, Operation & Product Management, Technology, and Marketing tracks. There were experts in each specific field providing straightforward advice, from inception of business ideas to developing future innovations.

Shift with Your Friend (Internal Knowledge Sharing) Project

The project aims to encourage employees within the organization to share knowledge and work experiences with each other, focusing on the necessary skills and experiences for work, such as technology skills, business skills, soft skills, or other areas of expertise. The goal is to foster a learning culture within the organization.

CommuniCall  Project

The project aims to promote English language learning through a community format of peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, focusing primarily on developing English communication skills. This allows employees to better apply English phrases when communicating and conversing with foreign customers or partner companies.